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Downtown Sarasota MLS Search

1. Select a Property Sub-Type
2. Choose Your Property Features
Min. Beds Min. Baths
3. Extra Options
Waterfront Description Living Space Lot Size Built After

Our custom Downtown Sarasota MLS Search Tools allow you to view all real estate listings for condos, single family homes and townhomes currently available in the Multiple Listing Service. Our custom database provides access to all of the properties available in the downtown Sarasota area.

You can also narrow the search criteria by selecting features such as waterfront options, size, bedrooms/baths, map location, condo name or MLS Number.

Start you search above by filling in your criteria, then click the "Search" button.

When you are ready to take the next step, simply contact us to make arrangements for additional information or a private tour of listings that meet your criteria.

Listing information last updated on February 7th, 2025 at 3:57pm EST.